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2010, May 09

One more thought related to Koji Takiguchi:

Some Japanese photographers will make it really clear in their work that they’ve gone through a lot of trouble to make their photographs. In other words, it can be painfully clear that the photographer had to climb a mountain, or wait three hours somewhere in the freezing cold, to get their shot. (Maybe this tendency is equally present in non-Japanese photographers as well.) Anyway, this work can just as easily fail to stimulate the imagination as photos taken by someone who rolls out of bed every morning and shoots a roll on their way to the corner store. The pointless “Tokyo Nobody“ series comes to mind as an example of a series that was both extremely difficult to produce, and extremely boring to look at. “PEEP” obviously required a lot of effort—finding appropriate subjects, carting a large format camera to their three locations, getting them comfortable with this invasion—but the photographs overshadow this physical labor.

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