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2009, May 02
A trip to the Yodobashi Camera film store

Yodobashi Camera in Shinjuku is split up into a bunch of different sub-stores, i.e. camera/darkroom stuff, phone/fax, audio/video/mobile. Here are pictures from the film store.

Update: link to a map of Yodobashi Camera

this is the spot for the cheap film, Centuria (in blue) is a good deal

all Portra all the time

Kodak Ilford and other random brands

digital print stations, these are common in train stations too




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ohhhh my….. This post makes me really wanna become part of Japanese Dream… 😀

Bookmarked your blog.. 🙂

Haha, thanks. I am still in the honeymoon phase of Japan so I want to get these things in before I start sneering at anyone who finds this noteworthy – what, in your country they don’t also have every film known to man displayed in an open fridge?

Posted by Nicole / May 5, 2009 at 2:43 pm:

you must have felt like you died and went to camera store heaven… they only sell film?! nuts.

This room is only film, but Yodobashi is a big chain which sells a whole bunch of things. Right next door is a camera gear store, and across the way they sell luggage and stuff like that.

Don’t get me wrong though, I still like Photoworks 😀
