I’ve written a few things for other websites in the past couple of weeks. Here’s a quick rundown:
- Interview with Kazuyoshi Usui for American Photo: I really think Usui’s book “Showa88” was my favorite of last year, and we did a fun interview in which he not only explained the concept of his work, but also told me why he looks up to John Waters as a master of “good bad taste.” If you only have time to read one of these pieces, make it this one.
- Review of Naoyuki Hata’s exhibition “Pelletron new no.4” at Guardian Garden for Tokyo Art Beat: Hata’s work reminded me of a Jorge Luis Borges story, “La escritura del dios” or “The Writing of the God.”
- Interview with ERIC for American Photo: ERIC’s new book “LOOK AT THIS PEOPLE” is a look at the people living in China’s Yunnan region. There are more photos like this taken in the middle of a regional mud festival. Pretty entertaining.