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2013, Nov 19
Naoya Hatakeyama, “Kesengawa”

I have written before about Naoya Hatakeyama’s photographs taken in the aftermath of 3/11 1. He published some of these photographs as Kesengawa with Kawade Shobo, but I just saw the European version of this book, published by Light Motiv 2, and it is much better. The design of the book and the layout of Hatakeyama’s text suits his images very well. I’m not sure yet how to track this book down, but it’s not to be missed.

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3/11 Earthquake, Naoya Hatakeyama

Thanks, Dan, for your opinion about our new publication: KESENGAWA.
It is possible to order it on our website: http://www.lightmotiv.com/index.php?page=editions
and we will send it any where around the world…

Eric Le Brun
Light Motiv Director

Hi Eric, your website is only in French, and even so, the ordering process is not at all clear!
