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2012, Feb 02
American Photo posts on Totem Pole, Patrick Tsai
© Patrick Tsai

A couple of big articles I wrote for American Photo went up over the past week.

The first was a feature on Tokyo’s gallery scene. It focuses in particular on Totem Pole Photo Gallery, which is a place that really helped me decide to move to Tokyo in the first place. This article is pretty gung-ho about Tokyo’s photography galleries, and I’ll have a little more to say about that stance here.

The second was an interview with Patrick Tsai, who is in a very practical way the reason that I was able to stay in Japan longer than just a couple of tourist visas. For almost a year now, Patrick has been writing a blog, Talking Barnacles, which has turned into a fairly incredible project. I posted about it a long time ago, but haven’t since; the nature of writing a blog is that things disappear quickly. Sometimes that’s good, but this is case where it’s unhelpful. I guess I can’t post every week about Talking Barnacles, just to say, “hey, did you know that Pat’s still writing this really good blog?” Maybe I should though.

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